Corporate Executives

The Corporate Executive

As a Corporate executive, you have much of the same responsibilities as a business owner; however, you likely don’t enjoy all of the same benefits especially when it comes to tax planning.

That being said, there are a number of potential wealth planning strategies that you can benefit from.

Common Planning Opportunities


Identifying and complementing shortcomings of your company benefits and pension plans


Maximizing your company savings plan


Tax Minimization Management


Income splitting


Mitigating the risks from holding concentrated positions/stock options


Company stock/options exit strategies


Retirement Planning


And much more...

Concentrated Equity Postitions

While each executive’s situation is different from the next, when it comes to the wealth of upper-level executives, the common denominator is often the composition of said wealth being highly concentrated within their respective company’s stock. This is no coincidence, as most executive compensation packages favor incentive pay through company stock and/or stock options.    

However, the very asset responsible for creating most of your wealth is also the one that poses the greatest risk on your total net worth and to your long-term financial peace of mind.

A sudden change in the company stock price can have a lasting effect on your financial well-being. Fortunately, there are solutions available that can be used to preserve your wealth while simultaneously remaining tax-efficient and assuming less risk. 







Income Enhancement


Tax-efficient Diversification


Tax-efficient Gifting

Together, we can create and implement a plan that is perfectly suited to your situation and ensure the success of your financial aspirations.

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